javascript - RequireJS does not load dependencies consistently -
i tasked implement requirejs architecture in existing project. project single page app, though has page order form. after documentation lurking , experimentation able ball rolling.
but happines faded, realised not work expected. when page reloaded works , other times throws error:
uncaught typeerror: $beforeafter.beforeafter not function
i wrote config file (also 'data-main' entry point in html script tag) follows:
// requirejs configuration, see require.config({ // todo: set right path , clean '../../' nonsense baseurl: '', paths: { // vendor javascript jquery: "../../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery", jqueryui: "../../src/vendor/jquery-ui/jquery-ui", bootstrap: "../../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap", jquerycookie: "../../node_modules/jquery.cookie/jquery.cookie", owlcarousel: "../../node_modules/owl.carousel/dist/owl.carousel", jquerybrowser: "../../node_modules/jquery.browser/dist/jquery.browser", beforeafter: "../../src/vendor/before-after/jquery.beforeafter-1.4", upload: "../../src/vendor/requirejs-upload/upload", touchpunch: "../../src/vendor/touch-punch/jquery.ui.touch-punch", // our custom modules main: "../../src/js/modules/main", gallery: "../../src/js/modules/gallery", form: "../../src/js/modules/form" }, shim: { "jqueryui": { exports: "ui", deps: ["jquery"] }, "bootstrap": { deps: ["jquery"] }, "owlcarousel": { deps: ["jquery"] }, "beforeafter": { deps: ["jquery", "jqueryui"] }, "touchpunch": { deps: ["jquery", "jqueryui"] } } }); // start application require(['main']);
i think error has amd non-compatible scripts (beforeafter) , shim settings, have way used require()
, define()
therefore i'm including rest of structure:
define(['jquery', 'jquerycookie', 'bootstrap', 'touchpunch', 'gallery', 'form', 'owlcarousel'], function ($, jquerycookie, bootstrap, touchpunch, gallery, form, owlcarousel) { var menuitems = undefined; // + lot of other variables function setusersdevicewidth() { // code , lot of other functions after 1 } function resizecarousel() { // use custom module (gallery.js) , works gallery.resizecarousel($this); } // file holds , executes jquery .ready function $(document).ready(function(){ // use model again, it's working gallery.initializecarousel(); // + lot of other code }); });
and module throws error:
define(['jquery', 'touchpunch', 'owlcarousel', 'beforeafter'], function ($, touchpunch, owlcarousel, beforeafter) { var carousel = $('#carousel'); // function initialisation in main.js, part of return object var initializecarousel = function() { // 'owlcarousel' modules 'owlcarousel()' function works should carousel.owlcarousel(options); // initialises beforeafter, problem occurs initializebeforeafter($item); }); var initializebeforeafter = function($item) { // once! if (!$item.hasclass('already-done')) { // initalize beforeafter plugin var $beforeafter = $item.find('.before-after'); // root of problem; cannot refer beforeafter() function // of 'beforeafter' module, loading sequence gets messed up? $beforeafter.beforeafter({ showfulllinks: false, imagepath: 'dist/images/before-after/' }); resizebeforeafter($item); $beforeafter.mousemove(function(e) { var $this = $(this); var $thishandle = $($this.find('.ui-draggable-handle')); var $thisfirst_wrapper = $($beforeafter.find( '> div:not(".ui-draggable-handle")')[0]); var mousex = e.pagex - $(this).offset().left; $thishandle.stop().animate({'left': mousex - 2}, 0, 'linear'); $thisfirst_wrapper.stop().animate({'width': mousex - 2}, 0, 'linear'); }); $item.addclass('already-done'); } } return { initializecarousel: initializecarousel, resizecarousel: resizebeforeafter }; });
i appreciate help, ask advice regarding require() , define() usage in project. should apply different calling structure? i've read lot on subject, can learn live case examples :(
so, i've managed solve problem forcing requirejs load questionable modules before else. i've changed config.js part
// start application require(['main']);
// start application, make sure loaded require(['beforeafter', 'owlcarousel'], function() { require(['main']); });
i wait till monday better solution, if willing show smoother approach , short explanation why inconsistency happening.
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