html - How to create media query with max width? -

i have wordpress boss 2.0 theme installed , custom header want hide on mobile device , show on desktop 720px or wider.

i created <div class="container" id="custom-header">

and in css file did:

@media screen , (max-width: 720px) {  /* remove header phone portrait */  #custom-header {   display: none;   } } 

obviously doesn't work, if try opposite:

@media screen , (min-width: 720px) { /* remove header phone portrait */ #custom-header {  display: none;  } } 

it work hiding header when stretch window more 720px.

first reflex add display: none !important; no better results.

any solutions hiding content on device less 720px wide?

probably "custom-header" inheriting css, check on style elements of developer tool (f12 in major browsers)

another thing should see cascade declaration in mediaquerys if using max-width, rembeber declarate them higher lower .

with min-width lower higher.

hope works you


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