c++ - how to use strcpy on dynamic char * buffer -

having trouble allocating dynamic buffer data using strcpy (sigsegv (qt linux))

 char ** data = new char *[10];  int current = 0;   char temp[20];  std::cin >> temp;   strcpy( data[ current++ ],  temp); //works(before edit)                                      //i saw sigsegv message on dynamic input                                     //that's why thinking works   char * dynamictemp = new char [ 20 ];  std::cin >> dynamictemp;   strcpy( data[ current++ ], dynamictemp ); //sigsegv 

how should store data? it's knowledges, no need string examples.

you have allocated array of char pointers. need allocate memory each of strings, this:

char * dynamictemp = new char [ 20 ]; std::cin >> dynamictemp; data[ current++ ]  = new char [ 20 ]; strcpy( data[ current ], dynamictemp ); 


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