android - Add new list into listView -

there has listview , add button in activity a. listview data retrieved mysql.


when list clicked, pass data activity b, if add button clicked, go activity b user add data. use mclickedposition differentiate whether list clicked or button clicked.

activity a

   listview listviewupdate;     listadapter adapter;     button add;     string id, id;     public static final int project_request_code = 1;     public static final int camera_request_code = 2;     int mclickedposition;     string receiveproject, receivedescription, receivetimein, receivetimeout;     integer receiveprogress;     arraylist<detailsbean> results = new arraylist<detailsbean>();     string myjson;     jsonarray details = null;     arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> editdetails;       listviewupdate.setonitemclicklistener(new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> listview, view view,                                         int position, long id) {                     mclickedposition = position; // listview click                     hashmap<string, string> clickeditem = editdetails.get(position);                     id = clickeditem.get(configs.tag_id);                     intent intent = new intent(getactivity(), edit_details.class);                     intent.putextra("id", id);                     intent.putextra("id", id);                     intent.putextra("mclickedposition",mclickedposition);                     //toast.maketext(getactivity(),"this is"+id+id,toast.length_long).show();                     startactivityforresult(intent, project_request_code);                  }             });             add.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {               @override               public void onclick(view v) {                   mclickedposition = -1;    // if button clicked                   intent intent = new intent(getactivity(), edit_details.class);                   intent.putextra("id", id);                   startactivity(intent);               }            }); 

assume user click add button.(mclickedposition==-1)

activity b

when save button clicked, data inserted mysql since mclickedposition==-1 after that, want new data return activity , adding new list in a, mean activity should have 2 list now. how can achieve ?

 save.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {     // if save button clicked             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 intent returnintent = new intent();                 project1 = project2.getselecteditem().tostring();                 description = description.gettext().tostring();                 progress = seekbar.getprogress();                 timein = timein.gettext().tostring();                 timeout = timeout.gettext().tostring();                 if(mclickedposition==-1)                 {                     add(project1,description,progress,timein,timeout);                 }                 else                 {                     update(project1, description, progress, timein, timeout);                 }                 returnintent.putextra("project1", project1);                 returnintent.putextra("description", description);                 returnintent.putextra("progress", progress);                 returnintent.putextra("timein", timein);                 returnintent.putextra("timeout", timeout);                 setresult(activity.result_ok, returnintent);                 finish();              }         }); 

activity onactivityresult

  @override     public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) { // receive activity b , populate listview         if (resultcode == activity.result_ok) {             if (requestcode == project_request_code) {                 receiveproject = data.getstringextra("project1");                 receivedescription = data.getstringextra("description");                 receiveprogress = data.getintextra("progress", 0);                 receivetimein = data.getstringextra("timein");                 receivetimeout = data.getstringextra("timeout");                   toast.maketext(getactivity(),receiveproject+receivedescription+receiveprogress+receivetimein+receivetimeout,toast.length_long).show();                 if(mclickedposition==-1)                 { // add list                     hashmap<string, string> clickeditem = new hashmap<>();                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_project, receiveproject);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_workdescription, receivedescription);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_percentage, receiveprogress + "");                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_in, receivetimein);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_out, receivetimeout);                     editdetails.add(clickeditem);                     ((baseadapter) adapter).notifydatasetchanged();                  }                 else                 {  // update list                     hashmap<string, string> clickeditem =editdetails.get(mclickedposition);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_project, receiveproject);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_workdescription, receivedescription);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_percentage, receiveprogress + "");                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_in, receivetimein);                     clickeditem.put(configs.tag_out, receivetimeout);                     ((baseadapter) adapter).notifydatasetchanged();                 }                 //((baseadapter) adapter).notifydatasetchanged();             }             }     }     } 

now can see new list added in activity a. when click new list , go activity b, no data passed. if click old list, can see data passed...

you need add or update new data in list , call notifidatasetchanged(); change code in onactivity result method of activity below-

                hashmap<string, string> item =        new hashmap<>();                 item.put(configs.tag_project, receiveproject);                 item.put(configs.tag_workdescription, receivedescription);                 item.put(configs.tag_percentage, receiveprogress + "");                 item.put(configs.tag_in, receivetimein);                 item.put(configs.tag_out, receivetimeout);                  if(mclickedposition==-1)                 { // add list                     editdetails.add(item);                  }                 else                 {  // update list                     editdetails.remove(mclickedposition);                     meventslist.add(mclickedposition,item)                 }                 ((baseadapter) adapter).notifydatasetchanged(); 


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