frequency - sas how to do frequencies for only certain values -

i have survey data possible responses, example be:

         q1 person1  yes person2  no person3  missing person4  multiple marks person5  yes 

i need calculate frequencies question, yes/no (other questions have varied responses such frequently, frequently, etc) counted in totals - not ones multiple marks. there way exclude these using proc freq or method?


yes: 2 no: 1 total: 3 

using proc freq, i'd this:

proc freq data=have (where=(q1 in ("yes", "no"))); tables q1 / out=want; run; 


q1  count   percent no  1   33.333333333 yes 2   66.666666667 

proc sql:

proc sql; select      sum(case when q1 eq "yes" 1 else 0 end) yes     ,sum(case when q1 eq "no" 1 else 0 end) no     ,count(q1) total have q1 in ("yes", "no"); quit; 


yes no total  2 1 3  


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