javascript - Angular: how to bind to required/ngRequired -

i have directive can required or not. can used in 2 ways (as far know)

<my-foo required></my-foo> 


<my-foo ng-required="data.value > 10"></my-foo> 

so, because require , ngrequire same thing think directive this


<my-foo ng-require="data.isrequired"></my-foo> 


... .directive('myfoo', function () {     return {     restrict: 'e',     scope: {        required: '='     }     ... 


well, nope, doesn't work, scope.require undefined. have change scope definition

scope: {     required: '=ngrequired' } 

so question preferred way handle both situation such value gets stored in scope.required ? should defined both or use attrs link function ?

there 2 approaches can pick:

1. custom form element supporting ng-model

if peek @ ng-required directive source code you'll find deals ng-model controller:

restrict: 'a', require: '?ngmodel', link: function(scope, elm, attr, ctrl) {   if (!ctrl) return;   attr.required = true; // force truthy in case on non input element    ctrl.$validators.required = function(modelvalue, viewvalue) {     return !attr.required || !ctrl.$isempty(viewvalue);   };    attr.$observe('required', function() {     ctrl.$validate();   }); } 

thus if custom directive supports ng-model have support ng-required i.e.:

angular.module('test', [])  .directive('myinput', function(){    return {      restrict: 'e',      require: 'ngmodel',      scope: true,      template: '<div><button ng-click="changevalue()">change value from: {{currentvalue}}</button></div>',      link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngmodelctrl) {          ngmodelctrl.$parsers.push(function(val){            if(!val){              return null;            }            return parsefloat(val, 10) * 100;          });          ngmodelctrl.$render = function() {             scope.currentvalue = ngmodelctrl.$viewvalue || 'no value';          };          scope.changevalue = function read(){            var newvalue = math.random();            if(newvalue > 0.5){              ngmodelctrl.$setviewvalue(newvalue + "");            } else {              ngmodelctrl.$setviewvalue(null);            }            ngmodelctrl.$render();          };      }    };  });

2. wrap existing directive , pass ng-required:

angular.module('test', [])    .directive('myformelement', function() {        return {          restrict: 'e',          scope: {            model: '=',            required: '='          },          template: '<div>enter number: <input type="number" ng-model="data.number" ng-required="required"></div>'    };      });
<script src=""></script>      <div ng-app="test" ng-init="data={value:'initial', required: false}">    <form>      required: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.required">      <my-form-element required="data.required" model="data"></my-form-element>    </form>  </div>


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