php - Why isn't the textbox accepting any value? -

i keeping value(inserted user) of text box in variable $no. not showing when write echostatement. don't understand why??

i believe not inserting value properly. help. thank you.

    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en"             "">       <html>         <head>            <meta http-equiv="content-type"                   content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />            <title>attendence form</title>      	  <link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css">         </head>         <body>         <form action = "<?php $_server['php_self']; ?>" method = "post">          <table>      	<tr>      	 <th>department</th>      	 <th>year</th>      	 <th>course</th>      	 <th>lecture no</th>      	 <th>date</th>      	</tr>      	<tr>      	 <td>      	  <select name = "dept">      	   <option value = "cse">cse</option>      	   <option value = "eee">eee</option>      	  </select>      	 </td>      	 <td>      	  <select name = "year">      	   <option value = "1st">1st</option>      	   <option value = "2nd">2nd</option>      	  </select>      	 </td>      	 <td>      	  <select name = "course">      	   <option value = "cse2200">cse 2200</option>      	   <option value = "cse2201">cse 2201</option>      	   <option value = "cse2213">cse 2202</option>      	   <option value = "eee2217">eee 2217</option>      	   <option value = "math2207">math 2207</option>      	  </select>      	  </td>      	  <td>      	   <input type = "text" name = "days" />      	  </td>      	 <td>      	  <?php echo date("y/m/d"); ?>      	 </td>      	</tr>      	<tr>      	 <td></td>      	 <td></td>      	 <td></td>      	 <td>      	  <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "take attendence" />      	 </td>      	 <td>      	  <input type = "submit" name = "view" value = "view attendence" />      	 </td>            	</tr>      	</table>      	<hr />      	<table>      	 <?php      	  $year = $_post['year'];      	  $dept = $_post['dept'];      	  $course = $_post['course'];      	  $no = $_post['days'];      	  $date = date("y/m/d");      	        	  echo $days;      	  if(isset($_post['submit']) && !isset($_post['calculate']) && !isset($_post['view'])){       	    if($year == '1st')      			 $roll = 1400000;      		 else if($year == '2nd')      			 $roll = 1300000;      		       		 if($dept == 'cse')      			 $roll = $roll + 7000;      		 else if($dept == 'eee')      			 $roll = $roll + 3000;      	  $i = 1;      	  echo '<tr><th>attendence form:</th></tr>';      	  while($i <= 10){      		  $roll = $roll + 1;      		  echo '<tr> <td> <input type = "checkbox" value = "'. $roll . '" name = "present[]">'.$roll.'</input> </td></tr>';      		  $i++;      	    }      	  ?>           <td>      	  <input type = "submit" name = "calculate" value = "calculate" />      	 </td>      	 <?php       	  }      	  else if(isset($_post['calculate'])){      		  $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'rankodatabase')      			or die('error connecting database');      		  foreach($_post['present'] $p){      			  $query1 = "select * attendence roll = '$p' , course = '$course'";      			  $result1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1)      				or die('error in select query1');      			  $p_days = 0;      			  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result1)){      				  $p_days++;      				  echo 'roll'. $row['roll'] . ' course' . $row['course'] . ' date' . $row['date'] . ' percentage' . $row['percentage'] . '<br />';      			  }      			        			  echo 'lecture' . $no;      			  /*$percentage = ($p_days / $no_of_lecture) * 100;      			  $query2 = "insert attendence values('$p', '$course', '$date', '$percentage')";      			  $result2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2)      				 or die('error in insert query2'); */      		  }      		  //$query = "insert attendence values('"      	  }            	  ?>      	</table>      	</form>         </body>       </html>


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