C# Windows 10 Mobile Bluetooth BLE - OnAdvertisementReceived -

i'm trying learn how use ble in c# windows 10 mobile smartphone. i'm trying connect oral-b toothbrush in order data off it.

unfortnately in code "onadvertisementreceived" never gets called , don't know why, toothbrush ble enabled , using analyzer app on android smartphone can see sending beacons/advertisments in order connected, text of debug- textbox doesn't change.

here's complete c# code:

public sealed partial class mainpage : page {     private bluetoothleadvertisementwatcher watcher;      public mainpage()     {         this.initializecomponent();          // create , initialize new watcher instance.         watcher = new bluetoothleadvertisementwatcher();         watcher.signalstrengthfilter.inrangethresholdindbm = -70;         watcher.signalstrengthfilter.outofrangethresholdindbm = -75;         watcher.signalstrengthfilter.outofrangetimeout = timespan.frommilliseconds(2000);          watcher.received += onadvertisementreceived;          watcher.stopped += onadvertisementwatcherstopped;          app.current.suspending += app_suspending;          app.current.resuming += app_resuming;     }      private void app_suspending(object sender, windows.applicationmodel.suspendingeventargs e)     {         watcher.stop();         watcher.received -= onadvertisementreceived;         watcher.stopped -= onadvertisementwatcherstopped;      }      private void app_resuming(object sender, object e)     {         watcher.received += onadvertisementreceived;         watcher.stopped += onadvertisementwatcherstopped;     }      private async void onadvertisementreceived(bluetoothleadvertisementwatcher watcher, bluetoothleadvertisementreceivedeventargs eventargs)     {         textbox1.text = "true";         var address = eventargs.bluetoothaddress;          bluetoothledevice device = await bluetoothledevice.frombluetoothaddressasync(address);           var cnt = device.gattservices.count;          watcher.stop();     }      private void onadvertisementwatcherstopped(bluetoothleadvertisementwatcher watcher, bluetoothleadvertisementwatcherstoppedeventargs eventargs)     {      }      private void button_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         watcher.start();     } } 



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