c++ - SOLVED: Destroying thread and exiting loop -

i'm creating thread this:


    qthread acceptorthread;     acceptorobject acceptorobject;     acceptorobject.setupconnections(acceptorthread, simulation);     acceptorobject.movetothread(&acceptorthread); 


void acceptorobject::setupconnections(qthread& thread, simulation * simulation) {     qobject::connect(&thread, signal(started()), this, slot(acceptnewclients())); } 

acceptnewclients() method works in infinite loop. @ point if close program error:

qthread destroyed while thread still running 

i looked through similar problems @ stack , 1 guy said need break loop before finishing thread in order rid of bug. suggested use flag in infinite loop , emit signal in destructor change flag , break loop. kinda worked when did this:

qobject::connect(&thread, signal(started()), this, slot(acceptnewclients())); qobject::connect(this, signal(finishthread(bool)), this, slot(acceptnewclients(bool))); 

and emited finishthread(true) signal destructor directly changed flag. of course changed slot signature won't run in new thread anymore.

destructor code:

emit finishthread(true);  this->thread()->quit(); if(!this->thread()->wait(3000)) {     this->thread()->terminate();     this->thread()->wait(); } 

how can make work?

what i've tried far:

  • adding new slot change flag. result: when close program window dissapears proccess still running. think destructor destroys object before emited signal proccessed .
  • making bool argument in acceptnewclients() slot default one. result: overloads funtion 1 run in different thread , second 1 tries change flag doesn't work because different functions.


connect(this, signal(finishthread()), &thread, slot(quit())); connect(this, signal(finishthread()), this, slot(deletelater())); 

it pointless change slot function signature in case. in deconstructor emit finishthread() signal, nothing more.


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