bash - Using Awk and Condition for catching lines when column of a file contains a position between a given range by another file -

i want identify score each gene need put condition identify score (column $3 score list) in 1 position between given range of column $3 , $4 of gene list

gene list:

chr1    tas1r1  6615000 6615100 chr1    tas1r1  6615130 6615200 chr5    tcerg1  145858055   145858216 

score list:

rs79923433 chr1 6615060 0.327009537545002 0.177578086220885 rs4908925 chr1 6615107 0.492182375024342 0.278821401692196 rs114220820 chr1 6615172 0.24581165286421 0.129806066087895 rs925345 chr5 145858100 1.22569136462918 0.744498627741366 

what desire:

chr1    tas1r1  6615000 6615100 0.327009537545002 chr1    tas1r1  6615130 6615200 0.24581165286421 chr5    tcerg1  145858055   145858216 1.22569136462918 

with awk:

awk '     nr == fnr {score[$3] = $4; next}     {         (key in score)              if ($3 <= key && key <= $4)                  print $0, score[key]     } ' score.list gene.list  
chr1    tas1r1  6615000 6615100 0.327009537545002 chr1    tas1r1  6615130 6615200 0.24581165286421 chr5    tcerg1  145858055   145858216 1.22569136462918 

it's not super efficient, since have iterate on scores each line of genes, it's pretty straightforward.


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