java - Neo4j match... merge cypher syntax for UPSERT is returning (no rows) -

i started learning graphdb neo4j yesterday, now, want perform upsert operation shown below;

match (circle:circle {id:3, cycleid:5}) merge (member1:member {id:1}) -[invited:invited_to_join {c:circle, time:timestamp()}]-> (member2:member {id:2}) return member1, member2, invited, circle 

according docs here if node circle assigned properties not exist node , specified relationship should created, otherwise, update should performed on node , relationships. not happen. rsponse says (no rows). see below;

enter image description here

could please point me i'm not doing correctly?

edit: want create circle, member1 , member2 , their relationships on fly without worrying whether nodes exist, if do, update them accordingly

edit: make myself clearer after comments , suggestions @davebennet @cybersam, & @michaelhunger

(main aim:) to create relationship implies member1 invited member2 join circle3

  1. if node(s)/relationship(s) not exist, create them
  2. if node(s)/relationship(s) exist update them

in cases, there should no duplicates of nodes or relationships

this shouldn't difficult it's turning out. i'm starting think there's documentation failing appropriately convey?

see here:

what confuses me is, why must there exact node-match before match...merge/match...create unique query can return rows? doesn't defeat purpose of query itself?... on create aspect?

i created node follows

create (member:member) return member 

then attempted following query - knowing now, member node exist, though without properties(e.g id shown below)

match (member:member {id:1}) create unique (member) -[memberof:is_member_of {time:timestamp()}]-> (circle:circle {id:3, cycleid:5,})  return member, circle, memberof 

i believe should search member node id = 1... wouldn't exist, should go ahead , create new member node it's properties, plus defined relationship(s), plus other required node(s).

to surprise, still returns (no rows).

so, please i'll appreciate if points me towards achieving stated aim, explaining me why i've attempted won't work , why proposed solution work.


you want connect 2 members via inviation node.

match (circle:circle {id:3, cycleid:5}) match (member1:member {id:1}) match (member2:member {id:2}) create (invite:invite {time:timestamp()})-[:to_circle]->(circle) create (invite)-[:invited_by]->(member1) create (invite)-[:invited]->(member2) return member1, member2, invite, circle; 

otherwise if want record fact:

match (circle:circle {id:3, cycleid:5}) match (member1:member {id:1}) match (member2:member {id:2}) merge (member1)-[r:member]->(circle) on create set r.since = timestamp(), = 


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