javascript - Function declared on injected file not recognize from background.js in chrome extension -

i'm trying use create chrome pageaction extension.

on manifest.json file, i've used content_scripts load jquery.js , inject.js.

on inject.js, i've following codes:

function initvr() {     vr.floor();{ color: '#ffffff' }).moveto(0, 1.4, 0).setscale(5,4,0);     var text = vr.text({         wrap: 4.1,         font: '24pt roboto',         textalign: 'left',         fillstyle : '#000000',         text : 'hello world test'     })     .moveto(.1, 1.4, 0); } 

on background.js file, i've

chrome.pageaction.onclicked.addlistener(function(tab) {   chrome.tabs.executescript(tab.ib, {     file:  "src/inject/"   }, function(){     initvr();    //calling function declared on inject.js }); 

the idea here is, when person clicks on pageaction button, injects , initialize setup.

when implement this, error saying initvr() not defined. doing incorrect?

enter image description here

you have use message passing communicate content script,because extension of browser single background script,it have identify tab


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