jsf - Disable a4j:status for only h:inputText component but not other components -

i have following code

<a4j:status id="commonstatus" onstart="#{rich:component('loading')}.show();" onstop="#{rich:component('loading')}.hide();" /> <rich:datatable id="dtable" rerender="ds"> <rich:column id="name" filtermethod="#{mybean.filtername}"> ... <h:inputtext> <a4j:support event="onkeyup" rerender="dtable, ds" ignoredupresponses="true" requestdelay="700" oncomplete="setcarettoend(event);" /> </h:inputtext> ... <rich:datascroller id="ds" rerender="dtable"> ... <a4j:support event="onchange" rerender="dtable, ds" status="commonstatus" /> ... </rich:datatable>  <rich:modalpanel id="loading" moveable="false" autosized="true"> <h:panelgrid columns="2">         <h:graphicimage value="images/progress.gif"/>         <h:outputtext value="loading..."/>  </h:panelgrid>  </rich:modalpanel> 

problem: if have not specified status="commonstatus" in <h:inputtext> still loading image onkeyup event. missing here?

any great.

the <a4j:status> default applies components in page fire ajax request. however, can restrict components caught using for attribute stated in tag component documentation:

for: id of ajaxcontainer component status indicated (in format of javax.faces.uicomopnent.findcomponent() call).


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